残障设施 & 不歧视政策

赌钱游戏官方网站没有种族歧视, color, 性取向, 宗教, 性, 性别认同, 国家的起源, 年龄, 或联邦定义的残疾/州定义的残疾(“残疾”). 这包括但不限于招生和录取学生, 教育项目, 服务, 活动, 金融援助, 还有奖学金项目. 的 University complies with all federal 和 state non-discrimination requirements.


美国残疾人协会首次入学申请表格 -仅限首次申请

学期续期表 (all locations) - Completed each semester by any student requesting ADA accommodations for the current semester. Renewal form must be submitted 两个星期 before each semester to insure ADA accommodations for the beginning of each semester.

另类教科书申请表格 - Students who qualify for alternative textbooks should make request one month prior to the first day of classes each semester.

医疗释放表格 - Students should use the medical release form to request documentation from their healthcare provider. 医疗出院表应送到学习中心 & 直接从医疗保健提供者的办公室进行教学. (必须使用下面列出的不同形式的情感支持动物)


欧空局医疗放行表 – Students should use the ESA medical release form when requesting an ESA. 的 ESA Medical form should be sent to the CMU 残疾人服务 directly from the healthcare provider’s office.


ESA协议表格 – This form will be completed with a member of the Resident Life 工作人员 before you move in with your ESA

Note: Current vaccination records of the ESA must be on file with the CMU 残疾人服务 before the ESA is allowed on campus.


Forms should be completed with the student's signature 和 sent to the CMU 残疾人服务 in one of the following ways:




康复法案第504条规定, "No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States…shall, 仅仅因为他或她的残疾, 被排除在…之外, 被剥夺…的利益, or be subjected to discrimination under any 程序 或活动 received Federal financial assistance…"

《赌钱游戏官方网站》第二章规定, “公共实体在为避免基于残疾的歧视所必需时,应当对政策或程序作出合理修改, unless the public entity can demonstrate that making the modifications would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, 程序, 或活动."


康复法案第504条规定,"接受者 . . . shall take such steps as are necessary to ensure that no h和icapped student is denied the 好处s of, 被排除在, 或在受助人的教育计划或活动中,因缺乏为有感官障碍的学生提供的教育辅助而受到歧视, 手册, 或者说话技巧."

第二章规定, “公共实体应当在必要时提供适当的辅助设备和服务,使残疾人有平等的机会参加活动, 并享受和利益, 一个服务, 程序, 或由公共实体进行的活动. "


的 Center for Learning 和 教学 at Central Methodist University is committed to ensuring nondiscrimination 和 equal access to all 程序s, 服务, 以及为合格的残疾学生举办的活动. 这里描述的程序旨在指导和协助教师, 工作人员, 和学生遵守这一政策, 和 in determining what reasonable accommodations must be made for the claimed disability. All materials 和 information regarding disabilities will be governed by the University's normal policies regarding privacy.


  1. 任何希望声称残疾并寻求便利的学生都有责任提交确认残疾的官方文件和完整的残疾证明 美国残疾人协会首次入学申请表格 with the Center of Learning 和 教学 prior to seeking any accommodation based on the disability.
    1. 美国残疾人协会首次入学申请表格 必须完成, 学生签名, 并送交或传真至教与学中心
    2. Official documentation of the disability must be sent directly from the originating office (e.g. 高中, 测试中心, 认证专业中心, 或医生)直接到学习和教学中心. 所有这些官方文件必须是为一个 evaluation dated no more than eighteen (18) months prior to being received by the University. 学生希望大学考虑为其残疾提供合理便利的所有官方文件必须包括在内(e).g. 个人教育计划(IEP)及相关资料, 504年计划, 专业的诊断, 和建议). Professional diagnosis must include a diagnosis of the student's current disability; the date of the diagnosis; how the diagnosis was reach; the credentials of the professional making the diagnosis; how the student's disability affects a major life activity; 和 how the disability affects the student's academic performance. 这些文件应该为学生和学校提供足够的信息,以考虑什么是适当的学术调整. Each student's accommodation(s) will be considered on a case-by-case basis. 的 University is not responsible for conducting or paying for a new evaluation to document a disability or the need for an academic adjustment.
  2. 学习和教学中心将与学生合作,为残疾学生制定合理的住宿条件,只有在充分的文件和完成的 美国残疾人协会首次入学申请表格 已收到. 在紧急需要下, temporary accommodations may be approved by the 学习中心主任 和 教学 while waiting for adequate documentation. 除为提供服务的目的外,学习与教学中心收到的任何信息将被保密,未经学生书面同意,不得直接或间接发布.
  3. 在每个新学期开始的时候, the student will be required to re-register with the Center for Learning 和 教学 和 request his or her Letter of Accommodation. 学期续期表 (semester application) 必须完成, signed, 和 returned to the Center 两个星期 在那学期的住宿将被批准之前.
    1. 在费耶特主校区就读的学生需要与学习和教学中心主任预约,讨论住宿方面的任何变化,并领取住宿通知书. 未能重新注册可能导致学生在重新注册表格完成并由学习和教学中心收到之前无法收到他或她的住宿. 学生在收到重新注册表格后,必须允许中心有时间完成流程并出具可能的住宿信.
    2. Once the student (Fayette Campus students) has received his or her Letter of Accommodation, 他或她有责任与他或她的导师会面和/或沟通,讨论他或她的住宿通知书,并确定将如何实施任何住宿.
    3. 在线学习或扩展学习的学生必须完成在线重新注册表格,并联系学习和教学中心的工作人员,要求将他或她的住宿信发送给讲师. Students must make sure the instructor has received the Letter of Accommodation.
  4. In addition to making reasonable accommodations for any confirmed disability, the Center encour年龄s students to make full use of the various learning resources available to all students. 的se include regular conversations with their instructors 和 faculty Advisor, 在部门导师有空的时候与他们一起工作, 学习和教学中心的协助和支持, 校园计算, 学生发展办公室的服务, 以及咨询服务.
  5. Students should underst和 that all requests for reasonable accommodations for documented disabilities must be made in advance. 教师和工作人员不会被要求调整成绩或为学生在提出基于残疾的合理住宿要求之前已经完成的工作提供替代评估措施.


赌钱游戏官方网站认为,帮助残疾学生从政府单位(如国家职业康复机构)或私人慈善组织(如March of Dimes)获得长期或永久的辅助设备,是实现其使命的最佳途径, 等.). 残障学生应积极主动,透过各种合理的渠道,寻找及获得辅助及协助. 的 primary role of the University in this effort should be informative/supportive of the active self-advocacy on the part of the student. 的 学习中心主任 和 教学 will serve as a resource in this process. If outside 年龄ncies cannot provide the 辅助艾滋病 that the student needs, the University has a responsibility to determine the aid necessary to ensure that the student is not denied the right to participate in a 程序, 好处, class, or 一个服务 because of the absence of an auxiliary aid that would make participation possible. 大学有责任提供辅助援助或寻找合理的替代方案,使学生能够充分参与, unless the request is determined to be unreasonable or will impose undue hardship on the University.

Every attempt will be made to ensure availability of necessary aids at the time the student begins classes. 应至少提前四周通知以确保此结果. 无论如何, 大学必须有足够的时间来评估申请, 确定要提供的必要援助, 并确定获取信息的来源. Late requests cannot be guaranteed but will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, 和, 必要时, 在合理情况下尽快提供.

学生有责任让学习和教学中心了解辅助工具的需要,例如及时的学期到学期的翻译时间表, 订购大型印刷书籍和资料, 或者其他特殊需求. 如果学生没有通知中心, the Center cannot be expected to provide the auxiliary aid determined to be required.


的 appropriate academic accommodation(s) must be determined based on the student's individual disability needs. 学术住宿包括修改学术要求, 辅助艾滋病, 和服务(例如, 延长测试时间, 在安静的地方测试或提供笔记员, 录音设备, 以及手语翻译). 的 University does not have to provide as academic accommodations personal attendants, 个别订明装置, 读者个人使用或学习, 或其他个人性质的设备或服务, 比如辅导和打字.


  1. 在学习和教学中心注册的有残疾记录的学生,如果认为自己因残疾而受到歧视,可以向学习和教学中心主任提出申诉.
  2. 如果投诉是针对学习和教学中心的, 学生可以就学习与教学中心和教职员工提供的合理安排的任何决定向大学副校长和院长提出上诉.